4 years ago - Translate


The moment anyone can interfere with the job your body is designed to do, it isn't your body anymore. Always remember that. Covid was never about a virus; it's about tyranny. If it was as severe as the government tried to make it out to be, if there was really all these people suffering and dying from it you would be able to find endless compilations of video and photos, any evidence of people sick and dying everywhere, but you can't because that evidence does not exist. It's a LIE, like all the others in which your government and media are complicit. This is about convincing you to forfeit your neighbours' rights and freedoms by proxy through your fear, when people literally fought and died in other countries believing they were defending them. Don't let their sacrifice go to waste by believing the same thing they were told about what freedom entailed. You have the freedom of conscience and religion, the freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, the freedom to peaceably assemble, to be mobile, to not be treated cruelly or unusually, or be discriminated, particularly on the basis of gender, ethnicity or place of origin, the things you actually have no control over. You have so many rights and freedoms that no other human can bestow upon you, only REMIND you of, but that other humans will certainly try to take from you if you're not wise. This is what's happening now, and it has to stop. The truth about the nature of our shared reality must prevail. ✌️?