
4 years ago

Luk Duke III
37m ยท

The letter you see in the graphic is that of November 15, 2025 in Mexico which is where we're going.
See, those who know astrology... the wonderful and great aspects that will form that โ€ฒโ€ฒ David's star ", undoubtedly, a great moment for humanity.
Let's review the current astrological aspects to contextualize things:
We're living the darkest moments, the energy in this 2020 is low astral, we're at the bottom of the well.
World astrology graphs show a decrease in energy (lack of harmony between slow planets) started in 2000 until 2020.
All astrologers in general agreed that 2020 would be a catastrophic year.
It was already announced by astrologer Liz Greene in the 70 s and was also announced by astrologer Vicente Cassanya in 89.
This is due to the Great Cosmic Mutation that started in January this year and took place on December 21, 2020 with the triple conjunction of Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto. This so-called great cosmic mutation will open a new cycle of 200 years changing the ground element of Capricorn in the air element of Aquarium.
The famous paradigm shift is the boost needed to start the waiting Aquarius era that will last 2150 years.
The era of materialism is coming to an end.
This began in 1802 with the industrial revolution and until today, a materialistic era in which body cult, economic power, politics and control were the center of attention.
We are experiencing the ultimate fall of the system, Capricorn in the world Astrology represents the system, control and authoritarianism by the State towards humanity.
What will come from 2021 will be the opposite.
Visible power (Saturn) will change hands.
It will pass from the hands of its rulers to the hands of humanity, this will happen in December with Saturn's entry into Aquarius and will bring an unprecedented change of values.
We will stop building and start creating new paradigms from the plan of revolutionary ideas and inventions.
Technological and scientific progress will be put at the service of humanity, as Aquarius is a humanistic sign in which values of freedom, equality, solidarity and brotherhood prevail.
The most drastic changes will be in mid-January 2021 when Uranus (the big alarm clock) goes direct (now he's asleep, retrograde).
That month in particular will be the beginning of the great revolution and the awakening of the critical mass.
From 2021 to 2025 we'll notice a very important energy increase and you know what else? No more strained aspects of the great Titans for 30 years!!
It's that the universe always makes up for all these strained aspects we're experiencing when the new era starts will gradually become harmonious aspects!
What will happen in 2025? We don't know exactly but if it will be something very good.
Because Aquarius is a sign of SURPRISES and with all those harmonious aspects they will surely be very pleasant. So don't put your arms down because from December 21th of this year 2020 the ascending curve towards the 5th dimension begins. !!
Here we go... love is already...
Ricardo Ovie