
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....Wow! What all can happen to US citizens when their "MAYORS, GOVERNORS, SENIOR PEOPLE" are ALL involved in treasonous corruption?

President Trump, Dec 8 2020: "It’s called total corruption!"

Richard Grenell, Former Director of Intelligence, Dec 9 2020 on Sean Hannity, Fox News: "Eric Swalwell did exactly what the Chinese wanted. We need to figure out are there others, and I can tell you without giving away too much intelligence, this is the tip of the iceberg, when it comes to the leverage that China is putting on our politicians. There's many, many more...There's a variety of mayors, governors, senior people..."

Rep Matt Gaetz, Dec 9 2020, on Sean Hannity, Fox News: "Everyone in Washington knows Swalwell is Pelosi's fairhaired boy. She is his top political ally. I'm guessing she knew more about this than we might have originally suspected." Richard Grenell: "He said leadership knew about this."
