
๐ŸšจBreaking: Flying under the radar...

New lawsuit filed in Georgia and a new strategy unfolds that ties in with POTUS tweet about terminating section 230!

Like Lin and Sidney's suit this one filed by John Wood a Georgia elector, also petitions to stop vote certification but also SPECIFICALLY goes after Facebook and Google for funding the election fraud ground game - over $350 million nationally and 6.3 million in Georgia!

Ballots don't magically get harvested or get shredded without manpower and bribe $$$.
Enter "Tech and Civil Life," a private company funded by none other than Google and Facebook who claims it's function is to TRAIN our local electors lol!

Note this case was filed in State court, presumably because there is less social media $$ corruption then at the Federal level where these cases are getting kicked to the curb right and left.

Five other states have also followed suit and filed cases against "Tech and Civil Life," including Wisconsin and Michigan.

(More on Wisconsin here: https://gab.com/GenXzanna/post....s/105271665586689312

Once the case gets certified discovery will begin and that's when it's gonna get real interesting real quick!
Discovery is why these corrupt federal courts keep denying cert on Trumps cases, because once that door is opened- EVERYTHING can be subpoenaed including any federal evidence, even classified documents!

And that's when Facebook and Google will be swept into Trumps EO for election interference- all assets seized!
I think Trump's tweet was a warning shot across the bow for Congress to change the law before it gets to that point but I doubt they will.

So to recap the Georgia cases:
Lin Wood's case just got booted from the Nothern Division and has been cerified for appeal at the Trump friendly 11th Circuit.

His suit is focused on the Dominian voting machines and has filed a separate motion for discovery asking the court for their subpoena power in order to uncover more evidence.

The chief justice for the 11th is Judge Pryor who was originally on Trump's short list for SCOTUS.

That would be the same Judge Pryor criticized for his Christian views on sodemy and who called abortion "the worst abomination in the history of constitutional law" lolz!

Sidney's suit connects the foriegn dots and pretty much mops up the rest. Her case goes before the Northern District which is where Lin's case just got kicked so it will be interesting to see what they do.

So fingers crossed, prayers up ๐Ÿ™ and popcorn ๐Ÿฟ ready for a quick victory here to shift the momentum and get the D5 a rolling!

Zanna on Gab: '? Breaking   Republicans in Wisconsin file emergeโ€ฆ' - Gab Social

Zanna on Gab: '? Breaking Republicans in Wisconsin file emergeโ€ฆ' - Gab Social

Zanna on Gab: '? Breaking Republicans in Wisconsin file emergency petion to the state Supreme Court to stop the final certification-but that's not all! Get this... They are accusing Zuckerberg of election interference through funding $6,0