
Is this what brings dictator Cuomo down, God knows his crimes must catch up to him~!

Lindsey Boylan, a Democratic politician and former aide to Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY), has accused Cuomo of years-long sexually harassment, and suggested that other staffers covered it up.

In a Sunday Twitter tirade, Boylan, who served as both special advisor and deputy secretary for economic development to Gov. Cuomo, unloaded on her former boss for his consistent harassment of her.

“Yes, [Governor Cuomo] sexually harassed me for years,” she confirmed. “Many saw it, and watched. I could never anticipate what to expect: would I be grilled on my work (which was very good) or harassed about my looks. Or would it be both in the same conversation? This was the way for years.”


New York Gov. 'Cuomo Sexually Harrassed Me For Years' Says Former Aide - National File

New York Gov. 'Cuomo Sexually Harrassed Me For Years' Says Former Aide - National File

Lindsey Boylan, a Democratic politician and former aide to Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY), has accused Cuomo of years-long sexually harassment,