4 years ago - Translate


In the last few weeks Trump

Retweeted Seth Rich conspiracy material.

Retweeted the administrator of the site where Q posts

Fired the Defense Secretary

Fired the head of CISA

Removed all Globalists from the Pentagon Advisory Board

Replaced the Attorney General to an acting one that specializes in Foreign election interference

Appointed another attorney from the military who served in the same unit as General Flynn as Deputy Attorney General (His father also happened to work for JFK)

Signed an executive order outlining military succession

Moved 3 aircraft carriers to the west coast with a strike group

Moved 2 aircraft carriers to the east coast with a strike group

Changed federal execution laws to allow bullets and hanging

Signed an EO making the 24th a federal holiday for 2020 only.

Cut off all funding for CIA dark ops

Made it so Special Ops in the military reports directly to the Defense Secretary

The past few weeks we find out

The Chinese military has been training in Canada, allegedly they had something to do with our F16 going down over the upper peninsula of Michigan last week.

The Pentagon was hacked along with many other government institutions this week. They are currently on a closed loop

Hunter Biden asked China's spy chief to wire $10 million to his account wishing him well from his father in the same email.

4.  There are three (that I know of) active DOJ investigations into the Biden family

Swallwell was banging Fang Fang, a Chinese spy who fled the country.

Facebook spent $500 million on election infrastructure in 2020 via the ChanZuckerberg Foundation. (Note who's name is first) The money came with clawback clauses for counties that didn't comply with their demands.

Patrick Byrne tells his story of HRC bribery giving a detailed first person account.

The machines used to count our votes were connected to the Internet and failed a simple audit in Michigan. Subpoenas have been issued for more machines in AZ, GA and MI.

17 Republican Attorney Generals backed Trump in a failed election related law suit

17 GOP House members ask Pelosi to remove Swalwell from the Intel Commitee

Cocaine Mitch endorses Biden the same day we find out he was the one who blocked two bills intended to ensure voting security in 2019 (regarding the two companies that make up 80% of Americas voting machines)

In my opinion
Trump signed an election interference EO in 2018 with severe consequences to those who meddle. I think he did it for a reason.
Seeing as we are currently under a National Emergency, giving POTUS lots of power, he  is able to use this law to shut off or seize control of all communications (including the internet)
I bet something very big happens during the great conjunction of our two largest planets (Jupiter and Saturn) on or around 12/21.
Why? Cause 2020 has been a shitshow and weird things happen during significant astronomical events.
