
POTUS tweet at 10:34:20:
I will Veto the Defense Bill, which will make China very unhappy. They love it. Must have Section 230 termination, protect our National Monuments and allow for removal of military from far away, and very unappreciative, lands. Thank you!

He was responding to this:
Lindsey Graham: ‘Social Media Companies And Mail-In Voting Will Destroy Conservatism If We Don’t Push Back’

Well can I read between these lines because I came across this Dan Scavino tweet of lightning hitting the Washington MONUMENT from FAR AWAY in Q Post 4418:

China LOVES the DC Swamp? Because think about it, what does our National Monuments have to do with section 230 and Twitter and Facebook shutting us down? Just seems odd that he included the Monuments in this tweet unless...

I was going over this tweet at 9:52:58, so no, didn't get to Q 4418 from his timestamp but from the time difference between a connection to one of my posts again. There were 2 posts I connected to, but this connection to this time difference was from this in that post and doing his tweet.
SHOTS=338 446 81 (In his tweet)
Mike Pence=446

From my post:
Michael Pence=189
No Mike=402
Trumppence=786 (I know. It sounds like TRUMPETS!)

The time difference was 5:44:18.

So this POTUS tweet.

Q Post 1034:
What fell from space recently?
Accident or retaliation?
When was Hussein in China?
Track events.
We are in control

To the left Q Post 1035:
Confirmed typo.

Well interesting because this was in my 15:532 post. Predicting again POTUS?

Chainlink=140 <---Did this one already only under the 486# and now I see I made a mistake on that post. I put all of those there as equaling 446 but they all should have been 486...TYPO. Sorry about that, but chainlink was there.

AND that was the post I found the connection to POTUS on, but posted about the connection in my next post and found Dan's lightning there hitting the Washington Monument. Now the BAD BREAD Q post I also came across makes sense.

Q Post 3420:
Now what are the odds of that?
With this picture and a link to JJPower at JohnJam2545194 on JULY 11TH, my birthday again! 2019 at 11:54pm. (2354) Really hate being connected to this though: Trump just retweeted an account (dropped by #qanon) who's name is "Save the Littles". Their cover photo is of two children from an interview (video inserted here) talking about secret pedo and human sacrifice rings being exposed. DARK > LIGHT.

Q Post 2354:

Well hearing it on Bret Baier now. It's Russia Russia Russia all over again. There was some hack and Mitt Romney jumped on board again. It's all about the VETO here POTUS wants to do. THEY are trying to PUSH POTUS to not veto it because of this Russia Cyber attack, by 'them'. Double meanings on that THEM. Was the DNC hacked...FROM WITHIN!?!?!?!

The Russia lightning bolt that the deep state keeps using (their playbook) has hit way too many times to be real anymore. THIS mathematical probability is way too far off the charts now. How many times will we fall for it? Hope NO MORE!
