Any Patriot listen to the Chief Postal Court Judge podcast 9 Dec 2020? We are no longer under the Feudal System of enslavement. Debt Pledges used against us contained in contracts we signed and The All Powers Attorney --used by lawyers - no longer apply. Disqualified or cancelled. We are free of slave masters. We now operate as peer-to-peers. No debt collectors may knock on our door. We the people present our own terms in writing to Banks (negotiating) be it for our bank account, credit card, HP or Mortgage Bonds. Privateers and Banksters - he called them - will be arrested and placed in FEMA camps. He instructed DJT to open up all these FEMA camps as he will come and get them - globally. These hazardous people need to be removed from Society - and be placed in these FEMA camps! Interesting our CBD area has free for all parking, suddenly- no ticket maids or cops may issue fines for parking outside businesses. It was advised..they have not renewed their CONTRACT. These contracts, of Top Dogs - which was used to enslave citizens and make us pay taxation taxes and more taxes- been removed? New era of no debt is what he said. No more enslavement!