4 years ago - Translate


https://twitter.com/schumannbo....t/status/13423946847 Merry Christmas - It's gone up to 43 Hz amplitude, gamma state of consciousness, disappearance, we're somewhere else.
The gamma state is a state of being where the relocation of consciousness manifests itself... the experience of the Heart of Eternity, feelings of bliss, beauty, wonder, peace, lightness, Silence. Joy, sweetness, emptiness... love
5D starts at 40 Hz, it's a state of being, a state of consciousness. a new reality... it is the base frequency, the lowest of the worlds of Unity.
there are steps ...
but we can say that the relocation of consciousness, makes it no longer that body, is no longer in this body, it is no longer limited to this body ... as in the state of ghost, it is there when we return in form, that we see that death does not exist, there is no interruption of consciousness..... we're somewhere else....
consciousness is no longer in form, it has passed into the shapeless.... and so it gently leads to the return of the multi-dimensionality of Being... who had been sacrificed to descend and participate in this world, in the confinement of a fixed form. of a body of flesh.... and no longer mutable.....
That is to say that our subtle structures and energies have experienced compressions of follies like the Earth, they had to adapt ...
hence flight and sleep... and redeployment of what had been compressed.... hence the reconnection, in these times to Divine energies, with all that this entails to live....
offshoring leads to being the other.... you are the other.
you are no longer this body, you are everywhere at the same time, without being in a specific point.
one is multi-dimensional when consciousness is no longer in the body....., you are the Universe, the blade of grass ..... you are the bird....
this leads step by step to live dimensional movements ... to travel instantaneously without moving. there is no speed or movement....
it's an instant dimensional change... like the ufo we see in these times.... 3D/5D instant passage
there is going to be direct vibrational learning and teachings with light beings to "relearn to drive" the body of being that is a vehicle of light in this translation. and this reconnection....