

"UTT’s initial assessment with the information we have now is that the Christmas day bombing in Nashville was a planned operation executed by Antifa as a disruption/distraction operation and to cripple a communications node to test local/state response.

This operation sends several signals – because the is first and foremost an INFORMATION WAR. A few of these messages are:

Christians – we do not respect you and will come at you on one of your High Holy Days.
Citizens – your government can’t protect you
Police – you are defenseless and incapable of protecting your community
This event takes the eye of the public off the voter fraud of the 2020 Presidential election and gives Antifa’s witting allies in the media a large story to keep in the headlines and dampen a real discussion of massive nationwide voter fraud.

UTT assesses the FBI and related investigating agencies will deem Anthony Quinn Warner as a mentally-ill loner with “no connection” to “terrorist groups” and close the case, missing the forest for the trees once again."

UTT's Initial Assessment of Nashville Bombing - Understanding the Threat

UTT's Initial Assessment of Nashville Bombing - Understanding the Threat

by John D. Guandolo Situation At 6:30 AM CST on Christmas day, a VBIED (Vehicle-Bourne Improvised Explosive Device) exploded in downtown Nashville, Tennessee damaging/destroying over 40 businesses and injuring at least eight (8) people. The bomb was