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3 years ago


3 years ago

Part 1

The endgame has started.....

Why did Trump visit military bases in Texas immediately after Joe Biden's certification?

After the staged "storming" of the Capitol last Wednesday, Trump physically disappeared from the map. Immediately after Pence certified the new president, Democrats and 90% of Republicans went hunting for Trump. Nancy Pelosi, who lost her laptop, wanted Pence to take over from his boss immediately. Many would fear that he would have to be taken away from the nuclear button with his fingers. Afraid that the mentally unstable President Washington DC will be reduced to ashes. Or that he will soon start a war with Iran or even China, after which he can declare a military state of emergency. Pence refused any cooperation. Immediately afterwards, Congress initiated the "impeachment" procedure and consulted - behind the Minister of Defence's back - even with the Chief of Staff of the Pentagon General Milley to arrest Trump just for security reasons. What are those MPs and senators so afraid of? [LINK]

Messages from the United States, Russia and Israel.

President Trump is known to have been in Texas after the "riots" in Washington DC. As a first reaction to his visit to Texas, rumor was spread that he was trying to prevent a possible arrest by Pelosi c.s. on charges of staging violence on the Capitol and domestic terrorism. By now it has become clear that there is much more going on. More information is needed that is crucial to understand his position with regard to the U.S. military.

More than a week ago, Joe Biden would have already announced an internal action plan to involve the US in a regional war against China and then consciously lose out. Biden would agree on a ceasefire and the US would then come under international supervision of for example the United Nations with China as leading party. At that time, the genocidal nightmare for America will also come into view, as predicted by the current Minister of Defense of the Chinese, Wei Fenghe, in which he stated that all Americans (except the First Nations, who are seen as descendants of the Chinese tribe) must be killed so that China can take possession of the enormous resources of the former US and that this is also what China needs in order to survive. LINK

The Army Summit in America fully understands that after a surrender to China, these soldiers will be executed. In what could well be the deal of the century, Trump, as it seems, has made it clear to the Army Summit that there are definitive plans that Biden will initiate to relinquish control of the U.S. to the United Nations. America's military leadership has been placed on "death row" and has only two options: either they tolerate this coup against Trump, resulting in death, or they fight and ultimately have a chance to survive.

Control of the military leadership in the US is heavily regulated by the Military Industrial Complex (MIC), led by Wallstreet interests and the International banking cartel. Insiders within the Pentagon report that if Trump involved the People's Republic of China in a war, which is clearly desired by the MIC, Trump could secure its presidency. Therefore, even now, at this late stage, the possibility remains that Trump would get the full support of the Pentagon. However, Trump will first have to start the war with China before he gets the unconditional support of the military.

Why Texas?

Texas is run by the energy cartel, mainly oil interests and the fracking industry. "The New Green Deal is a direct threat to Texas' oil industry and related business interests. Clearly, Governor Abbott has ties to Beijing. But the Deputy Governor, Dan Patrick, is a different story. There are reports that Patrick is in talks with Trump about the secession of Texas from the Union as a last resort to escape the tyranny of the Biden-Harris government's New Green Deal. Under this plan, Abbott would be deposed and Patrick would be the acting Chief Executive reporting directly to Trump. This is the backup plan.

The primary plan that will enable Trump to fight back includes using Texas and the military stationed there to protect him. Given the rhetoric calling for impeachment and 25th Amendment requests, it is clear that Trump knows that if he stays in Washington, DC, he will be arrested.

The importance and relevance of Executive Order 13848

It is important to be aware of the legal remedies available to the President and it explains the insane insistence on arresting him before any charges are filed and/or the 25th Amendment is put into effect (by Mike Pence, the lightning-fast deposition procedure).

Executive Order 13848 in article below

Executive Order 13848 pdf in article below

Trump in Texas, vreest arrestatie door Pentagon | De Binnenlandsche Bataafsche Courant sinds 1 maart 1798

Trump in Texas, vreest arrestatie door Pentagon | De Binnenlandsche Bataafsche Courant sinds 1 maart 1798

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