
Message 1/10/2020 PART 1: As I drove to the ocean to tune into the energy I immediately felt high frequency light energy that was like glass. It is so high frequency in fact that I don’t think we have adequate words in human language to describe the exact type of frequency this is. The words I hear to describe it however, are plasma, scalar frequencies and photon belt. I also hear a word like the element xenon but am not sure if xenon is a component of this energy or is similar to a word describing its origin. I believe we are receiving frequencies from all over creation. We are being helped by a myriad of our cosmic relatives.

The second image I see is of a lot of popcorn popping. This is an analogy to how the frequencies are lighting up our neurons in succession. The energy moves through our nervous system so rapidly it is lighting up neuron after neuron after neuron, cleansing, purifying and removing all darkness and anchoring us into newer, higher frequency light codes.

The third image I see is of a person ripping up documents. These documents seem to be official government papers or secretive agreements that were keeping us enslaved. They have been destroyed happily by those I see ripping them up. This is such a good thing.

The last image I am shown is again the procession of the ancestors. There are so many from the spiritual realm who are here to help us. Victory is assured and they have come here to participate in the victory of the light.

Sitting by the ocean I see the beautifully brilliant, white sunlight sparkling on the surface of the water. It is so calming. It is so reassuring to know the light is victorious. Even the light has changed on the planet. It is brighter. It is pure, crystalline consciousness. This crystalline light from the sun is also being anchored within our bodies enabling us to live more from the light of our divinity.

Tuning into the energy I hear, “Ah yes we are here with you always. We see a quickening as to how rapidly events are moving forward progressing toward your liberation. This brings us great happiness and delight. We are aware the days ahead will cause great shock for many of the human population. But this had to be done because this was the only way to awaken the sleepers.

There have been so many individuals who turned a blind eye to the awakening process simply because the programming ran so deep in their consciousness. We are never in the position or have the desire to judge another for we understand how it is that an individual could be in such a state of unconsciousness in terms of the truth of their identity as a child of divine light. We understand. This understanding of the programming of human consciousness enabled us to work with other groups of galactics to devise a program of awakening through frequency.

What you have been experiencing is a gradual increase in the frequency, the harmonics on planet earth. These harmonics were designed to unwrap the sleep programming that led to the enslavement of humanity. We had to reverse engineer the reverse engineering of the darkness, you see? We had to undo the machinations, the illusions, the deceptiveness, the trickery and the code programming of the darkness that lead so many to fall into a deep slumber. For some, the lighter frequencies let’s say were enough to awaken them to their consciousness of spirit. There were others however whose programming held them in such a state of anesthesia we had to continually increase the frequency to loosen the programming of the anesthetics, you see?