4 years ago - Translate


That Marxist platform known as Twitter kicked me off again today. First time was with President Trump, General Flynn, and thousands (or millions?) of others. And that's okay. I see it as a badge of honor.

Not trying to get kicked off, just trying to be me, sharing animal pics and videos, and things I find interesting, and things about God and prophetic words, along with humorous stuff, my opinion on various topics, posts that give hope and/or make you want to dance, and real news based on facts.

And all those things are what the Marxists are against -- anything that's for good and growth and freedom. They're the party of death. Literal death, like infanticide. And the death of pretty much everything you love, including your right to use your own mind and to share your own ideas and have a good and civil debate.

And they promote death of faith (and they will always fail miserably at that, because GOD ALWAYS WINS!), hope for a better future, and the death of enjoyment like laughing, singing, and comedy. Because that's who they are. Their world is gray and regimented and oppressive.

But their lunacy only makes me, and all of us, stronger! The biggest giant you could ever imagine is awake now. And we will not be silenced, not ever!!!

While praying, a quick "picture" came to me of God's hand digging down into the Earth and pulling up a massive root system, and the whole planet shook. It was like God saying that He's got this. That He's in the middle of pulling up all the global networks of evil, and is also using the "good guys" to do so. After all, we are His hands and feet here. So keep trusting Him, and keep praying. Can you imagine the war taking place in the unseen world right now? All those mighty warrior angels...

God bless the United States of America, land of the free and the brave!! And God bless all the good people of the entire world, who should all be free and brave too! The Lion of Judah is with us, and this is His battle. Nothing has taken Him by surprise. So, stand in faith, keep your inner peace and joy, let your prayers rise up, do as He leads, and watch as He brings our enemies down. The one they follow is already a defeated foe! AMEN!
