
Message 1/11/2020: As I drove to the ocean I tuned into the energy. The first image I saw was bright blue raindrops pouring down into the planet. Then I noticed a woman in this rainstorm happily letting the rain fall upon her. The frequencies in this rain are purifying and cleansing energies that are releasing any blockages preventing us from realizing our authentic selves and living from our divinity. These energies are wiping the slate clean so that we can have a new beginning living from our higher consciousness.

The second image I see looks like stone bleachers. There are angels that sit upon these bleachers. The scene represents the hierarchy of angels. I see the two lowest rows of bleachers are occupied by dark angels. Then I notice some higher angels, Seraphim perhaps, descend upon the dark angels and remove them from their seats in the bleachers. These are the dark angels who desired power on earth. The angels of the light have removed them from the planet. Their seats in the hierarchy are replaced with angels of the light.

The third image I see are strands of Christmas lights wrapping around earth. This is the light of the Christ consciousness filling the planet. As the lights surround the planet, I see they are also filling the hearts of humanity. We are beginning to live from our heart centers. The light of the Christ consciousness is full in our hearts radiating connective energy to each other.

The final image I see is bright orange light that fills my view. Again this represents the sacral chakra. The energy as of late is cleansing, purifying and removing all blockages from this essential component of the human energy system. This chakra is responsible for providing the circuitry or flow of energy to the solar plexus. For this reason the sacral chakra was targeted by the darkness as part of the effort to disempower humanity and to control us. Now the chakra is cleansed; it is aligned to our divinity and spinning with the frequency of the Creator. It is now restored to fully function to provide the correct amount of frequency to our solar plexus so that we can regain our God-given power.