A little portion of a mini essay I’m writing concerning the Constitution, corruption, and how it infiltrated our government system.
“Transition of power back to the American people” —Donald Trump, January 2017
What did Pres Trump exactly mean by this statement & how was he going to establish this action?He has also used “drain the swamp” to indicate his intention to clean up DC corruption.But, its likely not just the corruption that created the Swamp.They didn’t just swoop in & take power nor are they outright lying to us calling our Republic a democracy.
In order for corruption to infiltrate, certain gates have to be opened but for them to be open a certain system or structure must be established to provide an opening.
What is that system & how was it established?
Its within the Constitution as we currently know it.
Majority of Americans know little of the Constitution. Minds usually go blank after 1st & 2nd Amendments.Even those that are well versed have no idea that the Constitution we all know is actually a 2nd version.Its not the original.Furthermore, the people always question why those we vote into office always seem to betray their oath by never working for the people.We always feel disgusted with our government & feel lost in how to change it.
Is it the problem in the people we vote for? Are they snakes & liars? Why do DC officials always call our government a democracy when we’re supposed to be a Constitutional Republic? Are they purposely gaslighting us to think differently or they upholding a belief to keep you in the dark?
Most in DC are snakes but not in nature. They become that way due to an excess of power but they’re not liars. In fact, they have been telling us the truth through modes of deception to keep the full truth just below the surface so you can’t directly see it.
The one thing they are all liars of is that they do not work for the people. Their oath of office is an illusion. They swear an empty oath as the Constitution they swear to is inactive. They are swearing an oath to nothing but a system. A system that was placed as an artificial intelligence virus.
The only connection this system has with the Constitution is in the 14th amendment which grants full civil rights to all Americans. However, this amendment clause was utilized in that, “Under U.S. law, these essential rights belong not only to American citizens, but also corporations—thanks to a few key Supreme Court cases and a controversial legal concept known as corporate personhood.”
The specific Supreme Court case is the 1886 case, Santa Clara County vs Southern Pacific Rail Road, where the court used a grant stating a corporation can have the same rights as an individual granted under the 14th amendment.It is possible that the Court viewed a corporation as a person in that people operate that corporation as an extension. Therefore, through due process clause, “guarantee some of the most fundamental rights and liberties we enjoy today. It protects individuals (or corporations) from infringement by the states as well as the federal government.” This thus gives an established corporate business an individual identity that has Freedom of Speech, “right to vote” (influence in elections), and Freedom of Religion (to practice, support, or not). The troubling aspect of this is the power & expansion level a corporation can obtain through financial means. We obviously see the effects of this now.
The second element is not in the Constitution but rather the subtle change placed upon it which created a separate entity that took on a life of its own away from its origins. And using the 14th amendment as a manipulative agent of corruption.
In 1871, the country was financially exhausted in the aftermath of the Civil War. At least the government itself was. The people were still independent in their ways to provide for themselves. Especially living in the West. When a government power is depleted of money & its country has sovereign individuals with abilities for self sufficiency, those that desire power without threat seek to control a country’s finances & production: banks.
Banking groups work to provide the money for individuals or government entities the financial means to create or establish commerce that develop a system of give & take-produce & give back.This system works to sustain not only capital but a form of influential hierarchy to maintain branches or franchises that work to continuously produce a selling product for profit. Once a corporation obtains significant power, the bank(s) work to manage its finances & maintain order of the corporation to prevent failure. Desperate with financial weakness, Congress agreed to sign & pass the Act of 1871 which would place the country’s wealth into international banker’s authority in exchange for loan money.