3 years ago - Translate


Dear God,

Please let Q be honest,
And if not, please tell me that you have something planned,
Please God, Iโ€™m feeling beaten down so hard.
Please extend your grace to many of the patriots and those that worship you, and those that are good.
It has been a rough 4 days, of constant losses. Itโ€™s been 3 months of losses.
Please God, I ask that the side of love and light begins to thrive. I ask that you share your love and light with the world, and that you turn the eyes of those who do not know better to your way.
I will pray with all of the strength that I have, and I hope that others will as well. I know that they are.
I will do my best to stay strong.
Thank you for what you have given me.
Amen ๐Ÿ™