5 years ago - Translate


Been following via Kelli Ann for months, getting more excited by the day. I've followed your family since your dad was elected our president, loved you all during the Camelot days when I was in my twenties. Experienced the heartbreak of the terrible loss of your father, and grieved with millions of other devoted citizens. I was shocked and horrified beyond adequate description when we lost you and Carolyn. Now I am floating on Cloud 9, anticipating the public return of you and your family. God is Good!...more marvelous than anything imaginable! I am convinced you are all coming back to us. The anguish of having to hide for so long to save your lives I can only imagine. You have much to contribute to the well being of our country and if you would be so directed by our Creator to follow a divine call to make that an active effort, you (will) have the blessing of the whole nation behind you. God bless you all.