3 years ago - Translate



Step one of our journey into true freedom is to migrate away from their platforms now. We are leaving them out in the cold! Their stock markets are in free fall, which means: WE ARE WINNING! People finally realize how bad these companies really are. And it will only be the start of a journey, because there is much more to realize, to learn, to become aware of.

That’s why I am here. I want to bring you this knowledge, so you can understand how they were able to keep up the game for so long, and what has to change, so that this will be never ever again possible in any way.

The short answer is: a truly conscious mind cannot be fooled! It will see the lies and traps everywhere. And it will – without anger inside, choose the way of truth, light and love above everything else.

Get rid of your TV sets! Cancel your daily newspapers! Stop listening to mainstream radio stations. Abandon the circus of hollywood!
Stop buying their products! If you want to own a movie, there may be someone selling his/hers. You don’t need to throw your money into the mouth of the beast itself!
Your signal to them is: Give us true movies, not propaganda films!

Find yourself tiny private channels to listen to, to connect with, that will help you with your very personal spiritual ascension!
It doesn’t matter whether you are Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist, etc. You have your very own relationship with what you call “God” or Nature or your Higher Self.

Stop fighting about religion! It has been their tool for thousands of years, before they had TV sets, internet and social media platforms to control you. Accept the ways of others in love, and live your own ways with the principle of not doing harm to others. Whatever you do – even if it’s in the name of your religion – that will put harm directly to others, then stop doing it!

It cannot be the will of any God to make others suffer, just because they allegedly have the wrong believe! Whoever tried to implement this thought into your head, didn’t mean well! God (or whatever you name it – it doesn’n matter, because it is all the one and same source, the one and same consciousness, we just haven’t understood that, yet, as a community of mankind.) is pure and endless love, and this love is given without conditions! Meditate about it, think about, what this truly means! You don’t punish those you love! You help them to be the best they can!

Believe in whatever you want as long as it gives you happiness, but let others live it the way they feel is right for them, and don’t hurt them whoever they are! Break the lockstep they are trying to force on us! They want us divided. But God gives community. Think about that!

Furthermore get rid of their control-tools whereever you can. There are LOTS of alternatives out there!

Let this be the first lesson for today. Think about my words, try to get deeper into it by yourself! =)

I will have more for you soon!

You just have to understand one concept. The world, the universe, everything we see, hear and feel, our consciousness and the very consciousness of what we call God is composed of energy! And the beautiful art of God/nature/the universe is, that it has found a thousand ways to arrange its energy anew, so that it always looks, feels, smells and tastes different, and yet, it is the very same source of energy, but it vibrates differently.

If you take a look into your science books, you will begin to understand! Wavelength, how elements are built, how atoms are built. Go and begin to study it! Don’t be afraid! You may have been bad at it in school. But you can go and study for yourself every moment you desire. You don’t need a teacher, you are capable of educating yourself! If the will in you to understand is strong enough, you can learn everything. And the more you know, the more you understand the “body” of God – the universe.

But do not only look at science! Don’t forget to deal with the spiritual side! Listen to people who had near death experiences. Listen to people about their spiritual concepts. And always listen to your heart! The energy will tell you what is right and wrong, once you have established a new connection to the universe.

The universe communicates in form of energy. What you put into your focus will come to you. What you let go, will vanish.
