
4 years ago

So what have we learned in the last few months? Goverzilla doesn't work for us. Elections go to the highest bidder.

And I mean that. When a pol who just lost says "my opponent outspent me" they are admitting that elections are won and lost on $$$$ to Dominion, et al, instead of who has the better ideas.

So how does Donald Trump end up President from 2020-2028?

Easy - he has NOT been President from 2016-2020, he NEVER was President. You see - Hillary purchased the 2016 Presidency, Trump didn't. Hillary stole it and Military Intelligence stole it back. What that means is that there is NO President, it's a military counter-coup. We have been living in a Military Administration where Trump has been playing the role of President in order to... keep order.

Why do you think he's been surrounded by Military on a level never seen before? Because these four years - the Military called the shots, not Trump.

We are watching a movie!

It's actually an interactive reality show, so watch your backs out there.

But seriously, ENJOY THE SHOW!!!
