If you are going to take out the deep state and all that they dominate over, there will need to be certain things done and put in place as "replacements" for certain aspects of our lives that are eliminated.
If you are going to wake someone up, you do not do it by throwing cold water or yelling at them, you gently wake them up, slowly to avoid shock.. Hence the following:
1. You need to slowly "wake" or "expose" the people to whats going to happen to avoid a sudden "Shock"--- Notice The "Q" movement and other "conspiracy theories" have been circulating the Internet for Years and even more recently now.. Social media is used to share the info..
2. Social Media is corrupt and exposed itself by all its censorship---it is now being replaced with Parler, Bitchue, Gab, Telegram...
3. The main Media is corrupt/Bias and needs to be replaced--- ever heard of OAN or NewsMax prior to 2016. Notice the new way of getting our news now.
4. The Elections were Corrupt for decades---Notice the massive election fraud finally being exposed for the world to see. Changes will be done..
5. Our Gov't officials are corrupt and need to be replaced-- Notice how Trump is exposing politicians for their true agendas and slowly replacing them with more patriotic and honest people. This is probably the hardest part and most important. This can not be rushed because people are good at FAKING themselves.. We are at the end point now.. Getting the final people in place may be the last step before the alarm goes off and uncovers all to see.
The Alarm is set, it will go off..