
4 years ago

Okay, there’s a lot of emotions flying and Patriots seem to want to give up after they listened to Trump speak tonight. I don’t think that people understand exactly what he was staying! Go back and listen with the Logical side of your brain, not the emotional one.
Trump accomplished 2 things with that speech.
1. Met a requirement of the Insurrection Act that says the POTUS must make a public statement condemning violence of any sort from any source.
2. Let the enemy see him as weak and without recourse. Sun Tzu said “Let your plans be dark as night” and also “Never let your enemy know your plans.”
There are almost 15,000 soldiers in Washington DC right now. They are there because Trump met the Insurrection Act requirement which means ANYONE who causes problems will be arrested and charged with sedition or treason.
Think logically. President Trump told us with confidence that “America will never be a socialist nation”. Has he ever broken any promise to the people?? What better place to arrest a bunch of criminals than at the inauguration of a fake president?

Have some Faith!! God did not bring us this far to abandon us and neither did Trump! Remember, “ You are watching a movie.” ~ Q. The script is already written. You are watching the most brilliant military operation in human history! Hold the Line, Patriots!

Grace 5 Boulter Mark Michaux
