3 years ago - Translate


When you discover the planet you’ve been living on is actually a prison planet run by insane people, and that everything you’ve been told is a Lie, it tends to flip your world upside down. In 2010 when my husband and I first made this discovery, we felt like a lone voice crying in the wilderness, helpless. There weren’t as many awake people 10 years ago as there is today. Our family and friends thought we were nuts, and President Trump was nowhere in sight. Man, are we so lucky to have President Trump! And so happy to have so many who also see the truth. How glorious it will be to not only prove we weren’t crazy, but to rid the world of this Dark Plague (aka Death Cult, Cabal) that has kept us All, and Our Minds, in shackles our entire lives. God and Truth prevails! 💪💫💖