
L. Fri. 15 Jan. Lin Wood Recent Tweets:

#1 Lin Wood: Over the next 10-14 days you will learn shocking information about many of our government officials and wealthy elite.

Chi*ld se*x traffic*king and pedo*philia are a worldwide pandemic.

Revelations will relate to Joe [B]iden, Chief Justice John Roberts, Hillary [C]linton, Nancy [P]elosi, Mike Pence, Jeffrey [E]pstein, Bill [G]ates and thousands more.

I have seen the evidence. It is conclusive. This is a battle between good and evil.

#2 Lin Wood: A great deal of evidence deals with pedophilia and chi*ld se*x traffic*king. Laws prohibit it from being transmitted online. So the evidence can only be brought to light in court.

You will also be shown evidence at the proper time and through the proper channels about the conclusive evidence of Election fraud and acts of treason by many against our country.

Perhaps most shocking will be the masterful actions of President Trump in ridding our country of debt. The status of our financial system is a paper fraud. Time for bankruptcy and a fresh start. Just think – no income taxes!

Good time to own gold, silver, land. Real assets vs paper.

It is 1776 again. Stay tuned.

#3 Lin Wood: I have video evidence of Hillary [C]linton tor*turing and mur*dering a chi*ld. The video is known as F*razzledrip and will be the end of the Democratic party.

Things are happening behind the scenes. Donald Trump will make it very clear soon. Listen carefully when he speaks. They silence us because they fear us.

US Troops are under command of Donald Trump. WWG1WGA

#4 Lin Wood: How to arrest the Swamp?

Make them commit treason.

Gather them in one place. [B]iden’s inauguration.

Call for National Guard under the guise of riot control.

Arrest. Detain. Guantanamo Bay.

#5 Lin Wood: Vatican Blackout on Jan. 10. Pope arrested on 80 count indictment for Chi*ld Traffic*king, fraud.