
I actually have no clue how many Notebooks I have (its in the hundreds) of countless hours of research and decodes....

(as I am boxing/organizing them today)...

You do not need to have notebooks to know the truth- you just need LOGIC and COMMON-SENSE....

The TRUTH is I want soo bad to be VALIDATED...actually not validated??? - I want apologies from the 100's of people who over the years tortured me with their harsh and abrasive words...

BUT ..I know I will not hear those words... "I am sorry"...for their EGO's are too big!!!!

Most of these people were my own family (sisters and brother- so called friends and extended family and neighbors etc...).... my Mother died thinking I was absolutely crazy!!!......

I have already forgiven these lost souls...... and I know deep down many want that "I told you so moment"...I really do not care at this point....(kind of ...sort of)....and believe the ones who have treated you the worst are the ones that will not make it....I believe they are so far gone they will never believe or accept the TRUTH - no matter who or how its presented to them......

- I know I have been transparent and an open book through-out these last 4 years..... I have nothing to hide - never did- never will..... The words "The TRUTH will set you free"...means soo much more than I could ever imagine...."..
