
The surveillance state is here.

Instead of complaining of things to come, I will still do that also, I want to focus on the beginning steps in taking the power away from Big Tech, our new masters if they have their way. Everything you do on line and now in your daily life is being monitored and monetized by Big Tech and Big Business. They can now, with a high degree of accuracy now what you are going to do in any situation before you do.

There is a file on each and every one of us that have been connected in any way to these companies. Hell, if you don't use them but your family or friends do, they can use the little pieces of information they say, about you, to create a file. As an example, you use a shopping card to save points for discounts. They know when you shop on average, what you buy, what kind of advertising works on you, where you live, and what credit or bank card you use.

They then take this information and sell it, along with everyone else that uses the "loyalty card" and all data, gets combined by big tech with everything they have on you. The government now comes along and says I need a file on *John Smith, and now even if you try and go dark, give up all your electronics, they know what days and times you usually will be in certain places. The surveillance sate id here.


#nofreedomnopeace #novoicenopeace #nofreedomnopeace

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