
4 years ago

Interesting post from Greg Rubini


Someone has the REAL DATA of the 2020 Election.
the data which show that Trump won in a Landslide (507 to 31, or better).

the question is: who has these REAL DATA?

answer: The Italian guy of Leonardo who rigged the Election, under CIA & MI6 orders. His name: Arturo D'Elia.
He has the REAL DATA.
It is written in the affidavit. check it out...
“Defendant (Arturo D'Elia) states he has secured in an undisclosed location the backup of the original data” (original data = the data before the rigging)

who else do you think has a copy of those REAL data?
Ezra Cohen Watnick, Under Secretary of Defense for INTELLIGENCE.


who appointed Ezra Cohen Watnick, and when?
President Trump, on Nov. 10, 2020.
just 7 days after the (stolen) Elections.

so... Ezra Cohen Watnick has the REAL DATA.

and you think Ezra Cohen Watnick hasn't given the data to President Trump?
of course he has!

by the way...
in December Trump appointed Ezra Cohen Watnick also as “Chairman the Public Interest Declassification Board”

apply Logical Thinking, and Connect the Dots...

please REPOST / share!

you can easily find that affidavit on my Timeline
(already posted twice)