Message 1/18/2021 PART 2: We are here with you today to encourage you to look inward to remember your inner strength of spirit, the inner power and light that the Creator has given you. It is so important in the upcoming days not to snap into judgment but to remain steadfast in your spiritual integrity and in your state of love. Remember all those you see are your brothers and sisters. There may be some who have not yet opened up to the light as much as would be favorable at this time. This is why we ask you to radiate light, to radiate love and to stay in the high vibrational frequency as much as possible so that you can help bring many into the light.
Although it’s important to stay tuned to what is happening in the world, we suggest you not become so engrossed in the outer events that you forget the love within. We remind you it is important at this time to approach life from the childlike joy of your authentic nature. In essence, we ask you to balance the time you spend reading, listening and watching events and in reading others’ opinions of what’s going on by spending time engaged with your spirit. We ask you to be creative, spend time in nature and most importantly we ask you to dream of a better world that is right around the corner from being everyday reality.
Use the beautiful image making machines, the divine movie projectors given to you by the Creator to picture and project the perfect world, heaven on earth. Be like a child. Live from your heart. Have trust in the Creator that all is good and all is light. All past transgressions will be forgiven and every new moment is a new beginning. You see, children when they are young do not know how to hold onto guilt or anger. They live in the moment and move their emotions through their body so they can begin anew. This is what we ask you to remember. Be like a child in your daily activities. Spend time in your imagination doing things that bring you joy. It is so important that the lightbearers, the lightworkers, the wayshowers, the star seeds, everyone working on behalf of the light stay in the highest frequency possible to bring forth the transformation of the new world in the quickest timeline possible with the greatest ease, with grace. This is what we ask of you.
We are here in the sky along with a multitude of heavenly hosts; the angels, the galactics, the light beings, the ancestors, the ascended masters and many more to support you at this time to ensure a victory of the light. You have quite the support team who are very powerful and who are reminding you of the great power you have within. We are sending you and your family so much love and blessings, blessings and more blessings. We bid you well on this important day. The Pleiadians”