
We will see what the next couple of months bring. Sitting here thinking. Juan said we will slam the lid down on the pot in one of his Fu--ing rages. Wasn't the inauguration the perfect time to do that? Robert David Steele involved in Psyops? The poem you knew I was a snake before you took me in. Revelation talking about great deception. Why did all those leader capitulate without war? They love war? Even if we know their Satanism and human sacrifice practices what can we do? SCOTUS picks silent while all avenues of justice were denied. Sydney dropped the Domain suit. Did they just let us know that our votes mean literal shit to them? Was the fence a way to let us know there is no stopping them because they own the military complex? Very, Very sick to my stomach right now. More than 12 yrs of my life uncovering their evil. Trump is NOT the Savior. Jesus Christ is. Have we entered the beginning of the end? Thoughts of a very troubled Gramma. I wondered why the White Hats would call themselves Witches and Warlocks when this is a Spiritual battle. I feel like I just got bit by the snake. Thoughts anyone???