4 years ago - Translate


JUST ONE QUESTION AMERICA: When you put a Bible on a table, especially in a legal preceding or ceremony, DO YOU lay it Face-UP, or Face-Down? Go ahead, take your time...

THIS JUST IN: Did anyone else notice what kind of Bible that is?
For those who don't know it is a Satanic Bible. The upside-down cross represents the Antichrist which is Against Humanity. The god they worship is Satan. They throw it in our faces. Symbolism will be their downfall. We are at War and it is a spiritual war. Everyone pray for our nation. I believe and I trust in God and I trust that the military is in control.

SO AMERICA - Let's find out together today, what do you say we scour the web for every single photo and video screen grab we can just to see for ourselves? I'd sure hate to have a Satan worshiper as president of the US, wouldn't you?...

