
4 years ago

Trump has to leave the White House because it's a foreign entity and has been since at least 1871 that was loaned out to the Vatican. Meaning Trump was elected by "We The People" NOT the corporation. I think this is where Nesara/Gesara comes into play. Something I got from an Anon is this is fake presidency is going to last 9 more days and things are going to look or seem frightening with each passing day till we hit the goal post.

NTD News provided a video of the ‘parade’ route to Mar-a-Lago for Chinese Americans who love President Trump. NTD is a New York-based, global television network founded in 2001 by Chinese-Americans who fled communism.

Thousands Lined the Streets in Palm Beach Wednesday In a Bittersweet Moment to Welcome America’s President Home

Thousands Lined the Streets in Palm Beach Wednesday In a Bittersweet Moment to Welcome America's President Home

Thousands Lined the Streets in Palm Beach Wednesday In a Bittersweet Moment to Welcome America's President Home

President Trump landed in Florida yesterday and thousands of his supporters lined the streets of the five mile journey from the Palm Beach Airport to his home at Mar-a-Lago. NTD News was there.  This news channel shares on their website: NTD is a New