4 years ago - Translate


Posted by Anon (/qresearch/): https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/12663992.html

"Trump Still Issuing EO's"

"Riddle me thisโ€ฆ How is a former President issuing Executive Orders and Proclamations after he leaves office? How is a current President claiming to write Executive Orders but none show up in the http://Federalregistry.gov? How is it that every single EO that Trump signed is still on the books, even the ones Biden has claimed to revoke??? Just something to ponder. ๐Ÿค” Why did the Biden Harris take the link to the Executive Orders off the website? Why does the briefing podium say โ€œWhite House Washingtonโ€ instead of the official seal, and on that note, the official seal doesnโ€™t normally read, โ€œOFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESโ€, it reads, โ€œSeal of the President of the United Statesโ€. Why are Biden and Harris simply issuing Executive Actions instead of Executive orders? Executive actions are simply suggestions of things the Presidents would like to see become law. I noticed Biden and Harris cleverly named their Executive Actions with the words Executive Order in front of the full title of the Executive Action. I wonder how many โ€œleftistโ€ will believe he has issued real EOโ€™s. the federal registry clearly shows as of right now Biden has issued zero EOโ€™s and Trump issued 6 or 7 EOโ€™s and Proclamations today and 6 or 7 more for tomorrow. Iโ€™d say #trumpisstillyourpresident and #Godisgood"
