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You think you have a good grasp of this world we live in? I think not!!!

THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT… The Fall of the Cabal is a Documentary of nearly 3 hours made by award-winning author and researcher Janet Ossebaard, about the downfall of the 1%, often referred to as the Cabal: a small group of people who run the world through their excessive wealth and power.

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Fall of the Cabal (Full Feature 10 Part Documentary) – Unshackled  Minds

Fall of the Cabal (Full Feature 10 Part Documentary) – Unshackled Minds

THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT… The Fall of the Cabal is a Documentary of nearly 3 hours made by award-winning author and researcher Janet Ossebaard, about the downfall of the 1%, often referre…