
4 years ago

Still trying to wake up friends and family:

Trump stepped down and handed power to the Military. In the McCarthy era there was concern that Communists/an enemy might some day infiltrate the office of POTUS. So law was written in such a case: the exiting POTUS could hand power to the Military who would take power, expose any insurgents, and then hold a secure election to establish a loyal American elected by the people.

The Insurrection Act was signed. The Military has the evidence that Biden is an agent of China and our enemies (More evil than you can imagine or I can say in a post). That's why many soldiers turned their back on his motorcade during his inauguration. That's why the Pentagon has locked him out of key info he was trying to access in their database. That's why Pelosi was insisting days before Trump left office that they forcefully take the Nuke Codes (Football) from Trump, which the Military did not do. That's why Biden had to rent a plane to go to his inauguration, because the Military refused to send him one when he requested it.

Things are taking place according to how slowly the public tends to wake up to the Truth. The Military is trying to move slow enough in the arrests and release of Truth, so the remaining public can wake up at a rate that will keep civil unrest to a minimum. It all sounds crazy but its true.

The Left owns the media... and there are DS operatives still on the loose, many. So there will still be some chaos, especially in Dem run cites, but our Military is deployed around the nation. The NG is federalized under martial law and come under the authority of the Military.

A wave is rising through the nation as alot of things wrap up and the final phase is initiated. Our Military are the Good Guys, DC is not US soil, and 70% of our officials (Dem and Rep) have worked with foreign enemies to weaponize our system of govt against the American People. HIGH TREASON has been committed, and our Military has solid evidence which they will present to the public soon. We are at war on our own soil.

"Infiltration instead of invasion," JFK.

Although, China and Iran currently prowl our borders waiting to see if their operatives (Biden/Obama/Clinton/Bush admins) can gain a stronghold to allow them to breach our defenses. No worries. Trump has built our Military up and the enemy is kept in check. Arrests will happen "clean and swift" and order will be restored. We may lose the internet from time to time, possibly power, there will be limited chaos as cover as they try to flee before arrest over the next 45 days. The DS is terrified, everything you see on the Mainstream Media is fake. More than I can explain right now.

Watch the vids by AWK (And We Know) and X22 Report... on Rumble.com and Bitchute.com

INFORMATION WARFARE. There is a reason they are censoring all conservative voices and news agencies. Even FOX is working for the Left, altho key reporters like Hannity and Sara Carter and John Solomon (Just the News) are going rogue and still reporting truth -- limited info, but they are not supporting the fake narrative that the other agencies are parroting.

Yes... it sounds crazy.. because it is crazy.
But it is happening. It will become more evident to the general public as more ppl wake up and as evidence is DECLAS'd slowly. Ignore this... but if things start hitting close to home.. just remember that our Military is on it and in control. Pray for the nation. And don't be afraid.