
Message 1/23/2021 PART 2: You see as a divine child of the light you are imbued with a plethora of gifts given to you by the Creator, for indeed you are a mirror image of the One. This makes you divine royalty. You are a divine soul filled with magnificent, luminous and lovely light and a heart center that beats to the rhythm of the universe as it connects to all that is good.

We want you to remember who you are. You are powerful, you are truth, you are light, you are love and you are divine wisdom who came here with a specific purpose to add to the greater good of humanity and to the all. In order to best accomplish this purpose of living in goodness and in doing so contributing to the greater good of all you have to remember your authentic selves. You have to think beyond the reflection you see in the mirror when you look at yourself because you are so much more than this physical vessel. If only you could see you as we see you. If only you could see you as the Creator sees you.

With this higher frequency spiritual view of self, all tears will be wiped away for all you will know is love. Love is the universal vibration. It is the kingpin holding creation together. The problem that existed in 3D reality for humanity is the flow of love that is omnipresent was blocked from your viewpoint so that all you could see was a reality that was largely devoid of love, the vibration of spirit.

Of course there were times when most humans could feel love; the birth of a child, a wedding, the loving eyes of a pet and many other times there are opportunities to feel loved. Most of humanity has felt this vibration. However, the issue is the time in which humanity spends in this love vibration pales in comparison to when humanity is in the lower frequencies such as fear, anger, guilt, shame etc.

It is time to reverse the flow of energy, to increase the individual and collective frequency and to get back on the escalator of love energy. It is time to put your feet into the river of the field of consciousness, the ever flowing, everlasting love energy of the Creator. This is what your awakening will result in. You will take your feet from the 3D reality you live in and immerse yourself into the river of the unifying unified field of consciousness where there is love flowing in the most beautiful river you will ever see.

In this higher frequency of love you will feel happiness and joy like you have never felt before. It is like taking those moments of love that you’ve experienced in this lifetime and expanding them to last for weeks, months, years, ages. This is what is in humanity’s future. As the old world falls away and all those lower frequencies of 3D reality are no longer, you will be flowing in the field of love. How wonderful is that we ask you?

This is the future of humanity where you all live your days immersed in the frequency of love, joy, happiness and spiritual fulfillment. So we ask that whenever you see or hear or feel negativity to remember the words we have told you. Remember from our vantage point in the sky we can see the bigger picture of planet earth. We can see a planet once shrouded in torrents of dark energy transform into an illuminated sphere of golden light. This is the light of the Creator. This is the love of the Creator being anchored into planet earth to create a new 5D reality, heaven on earth, the golden age of enlightenment. This is a world of unlimited possibilities, one in which humanity lives in love and in peace.

We are here with you always assisting you in your remembrance of your greatness, assisting you in realizing the goodness the future holds for humanity. We are sending you so much love and blessings, blessings and more blessings for you and your families. We bid you well on this day. The Pleiadians.”