4 years ago - Translate


The Punisher ๐Ÿ”ฅ
My Message

I see many losing hope, feeling defeated and giving, that is of course a personal choice, however I have something to say about that.

We are living in a critical moment in History to the depths many couldn't ever comprehend, this is a Biblical War for your sovereignty and your soul. Yes these times will test the strength and faith of many, and will separate many relationships as Satan's plan fully intended.

Well I'm here to tell you that this war is far greater than one man (Trump) or an election, this war will test the boundaries of man and in do so, defeat many. But those among us are there to pick up our brothers and sisters and carry them towards the finish line of Gods Victory, because this war only ends in one way, God wins.

So pick yourself up, dust yourself off and continue to fight alongside your fellow Patriots because this fight has only begun. No war is won without bloodshed, no victory can be achieved without it being earned, no loss shall be in vain without cause.

These are the times where we must give everything we have or lose everything we are, so carry those who are emotionally wounded on the battlefield and continue Gods fight for liberation against a satanic agenda to enslave man.

This war is not about I, it's not about you, it's about US fighting in the name of God to preserve what he died to protect. So lean on who you must, ask for guidance if you must, seek aid if you must, but remember that only TOGETHER can we win this! WWG1WGA