I haven't posted since the inauguration. This is not because I doubt the movement, it is because of the extreme amounts of negativity that I have witnessed over the last four days. We have all had expectations following the drops and other information that we took for granted from other anons that unfortunately did not turn out the way we had anticipated.
As always there will be 3 categories of people.
1- 33.3% of people will always be against anything that they feel will harm them.
2- 33.3% of people will at first be for the movement, but will lose faith and show their true colors at the 11th hour.
3- 33.3% of people will be the ride or die's. No matter what they stand with the movement.
I have been a witness to all three of these. It makes me think of a quote from Trump. Sometimes you have to lose it all to know who is truly loyal to you.
We have to remember, a plan only works if you stick to it. The plan no matter how well you have planned can change. If you truly believe, you will see the fight is not over.
Plenty of proof has come to light over the last few days to prove why the past few days were necessary. Although it has not happened on the timeline you have anticipated, never the less it is still moving along.
If you have not learned anything yet, Trump is not a quitter, he does not back down, and no one no matter how big they think they are will get in his way.
Have you noticed he opened the Patriot Party up as a political party? Part optics, part real. This is a memo to everyone that now the patriots will stand up and fight. It is also a memo saying, Donald Trump is not leaving. Whether it be 10 days, 1 month, 12, months, 2 years, or 4 years. He is not leaving.
Take a break, relax, and think. Would Trump have done all of this and have taken these chances if he didn't think it was going to work? Hell no. The truth will prevail, Freedom will prevail.
WWG1WGA < Remember this, it is a family, it is a way of life, once you believe, it is hard to unsee. You have never been asked for money, you have never been initiated, and you have never found out who Q is.
The most important thing you have always been told is the ending is not for everyone, the Patriots are in control and disinformation is necessary.
On top of that, the larger voices have perpetually stated that we are not a movement of violence, we condemn the violence. None of what has happened was because of Q or any anon, it has happened because whoever they are want to try and frame a group of people because it is easier to lie and cheat than tell the truth.
So if any of you are feeling lost, confused, sad, mad, whatever, it is because you are passionate. Keep up the passion, we will see the reckoning. It may not happen when we want it to, but it will happen.
Last, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming is not just a catchphrase. It is coming, now stronger and faster than ever before. It will be a bumpy ride, but we will all see the other side.