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The Ten Gates of Hell
Gates of Hell 6-10
6. Aside from his large investments in Monsanto to push the GMO industry, in 2006, Gates founded the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) with the Rockefeller Foundation, to exploit Africa.
7. The abortion industry, gender equality, and the transgender agenda are also areas Gates heavily funds, which is no surprise being as his father was the head of Planned Parenthood long ago. He has always been about population control, so it fits like a glove.
8. Microsoft was allegedly his creation, and Gates invests heavily in technology, especially if it has the word “bio” in front of it. Gates likes databases filled with useful information to achieve his goals, especially DNA, such as the 40,000 DNA samples he scraped from 23andMe. A good chunk of the technology Gates is invested in ties back to the healthcare industry.
9. One of the biggest things Bill Gates invests in is the control of narratives. He does this through media, scientific research, universities, and publications. After all, how could he possibly pull all of this off without controlling the narrative? All of this is sprinkled throughout Corey’s Digs reports that are linked in this article.
10. In summation of most of his endeavors, he went for the big one – the pandemic. Gates is involved in every single phase, funding, and rollout of controlling people via the COVID-19 virus. He has stacked the deck, using every resource he has, and has found himself in a vaccine battle with the Trump administration. In fact, just recently the FDA shut his at-home testing kits down in the Seattle area. Of course, Gates is trying to “resolve” this with the FDA so he can continue his data collection. He has also funded Partners in Health (PIH) over $44 million dollars throughout the years. PIH is the non-profit that also worked with the Clintons in destroying Haiti, and is currently at the center of the contact tracing multiple-state surveillance program on Americans. Think of all that glorious data for Bill Gates.
At the end of the day, Bill Gates is heavily involved with every major agenda to manufacture industries, manipulate the masses while garnering billions of dollars, and trying to control the global population as he and his cohorts see fit.
< Melinda Gates