3 años - Traducciones


This is why free and unbiased media is so important. Which we do NOT have.
We are shown opinion over facts, and so many of the "facts" we are shown and TOLD to believe are corrupt and false. Why? Because they are trying to push you to believe a certain way. If we are only shown what the acceptable opinion is, then we the people can not form educated opinions. Which leads to us not questioning the agenda.
We are then dissuaded and told not to question what we are told. We can not debate, freely talk or question. If we do, then we are censored in the very least and if that fails then we are vilified, demonized, ostracized. Failing all else then we will be arrested and removed. It's a familiar playbook if you only take a look at history.
This in it's simplification, is an extremely powerful way of controlling the masses, by controlling what they believe. Also if you do not realize this is happening then how do you know to question it or look further than the news you see on your TV?
