
4 years ago

-USA Military Flag (regular red white and blue)
-USA Civil Flag vertical stripes
-THE USA Corporation Flag (Gold Fringe)
- Some say it is a flag of Admiralty/Maritime type jurisdiction and is not supposed to be used on Land. Others say it’s not a flag at all, but fiction.
However, the gold fringe which surrounds the flag gives notice that the American flag has been captured and is now being used by the corporate so-called government to give notice of its jurisdiction.
- The flag shown above is Not described in Title 4 of USC and therefore is illegal on land except for maybe (1) the President since he is in charge of Naval Forces on high seas, and (2) naval offices and yards.

-The so-called justification for a Naval/Maritime flag to be on land is that all land was under the high water mark at one time even if it was eons ago. (Great Flood anyone???)
