
Haven’t been on WEGO the last 5 days because of issues, but now that they are fixed and platform is working well, I get hit with so much negative energy it’s making me feel nauseated! What happened to this place? Negative hateful comments being made everywhere I look! When the platform began, that very first week, we decided that we would always be respectful to each other, even if we disagreed. Now there are a lot of newcomers from Twitter that think they can behave like they did on that evil platform.
Stop and think before you post something or comment:
Is it true?
Will this hurt an innocent person?
Am I behaving as a mature adult?
Can I back my comment up with facts?
Did I treat that person like I’d treat family?
Why am I feeling angry or threatened at someone I don’t really know?
🇺🇸 Behave like real American Patriots and be the better person. If someone is really irritating you with their opinions just block them instead of trying to pick a fight. Like I said before THIS IS NOT THE WAR FIELD THAT TWITTER OR FACEBOOK ARE.
