
4 years ago

This is from a close friend I grew up with!! He has major connections with ppl in intel!!

From a friend:

John Smith told me this morning that his parents have friends who are business owners and they have ties to a woman who is one of Trump's 100 attorneys. They sat down with her and had a long talk recently and basically most everything we're suspecting is true. The storm is in progress. Military tribunals are going on. The reason there's a federal mask mandate in federal property is so that you can't see faces of people who are doubles. She said the clintons are gone, pence is gone, the gates are gone. Anything we see in tv is prerecorded. She said that in the days leading up to the inauguration they had to clear the capitol building due to a fire drill and that's when they prerecorded some of the inauguration. She said all of Biden's EOs are empty. She said the legal team is hoping that congress will go through with the impeachment trial because they're going to lay out all their

evidence of all evil activities at that time. She said the banking system is set to collapse and will be replaced with a gold backed currency. She said the act of 1871 is true which is why there's a wall around DC. She said all states will be dissolved and can reapply for statehood when they've shown they've got their act together. She said Harris and Whitmer are literal witches and will be dealt with. She said they're waiting on China to be weakened a little more before they lay all this out before the public. She said you'll hear of many CEOs stepping down when in actuality they're either being tried or committing suicide because they know they're about to be convicted. She said the stories about the underground tunnels and children being bred and harvested is all true. She said they're trying to get this word out to all the patriots so they hang in there.