P J Evans shared a post  
4 years ago


4 years ago

So Dan Scavino tweeted out a video today that was 1:17 long and going back to this because of this picture in Q 117. I posted the video there instead of this picture, but typed this:

And the picture there of the SHIP has the numbers 186 or 981 and 916, which is 916 both ways, not sure which way to look at them.
Plus 186981, 69 and 1881 mirrored

Been seeing 69 a lot today and a lot of different meanings to that number, but meant to look at Q 1881 and just did. Been on the children a lot today too. So maybe I'm right to look at this Q with what's in it. Plus that bill the Dems want to pass. Their way of funding this sick stuff. GRRRR. They call it a rescue package. You mean FOR THEM and THEIR NEED!

Q Post 1881:
[Read very carefully]
"Child trafficking victims who’ve spent their formative years servicing the carnal desires of men, often foreigners, who are three, four, five or six times their age. Their madam tells me that many of their customers are western humanitarian workers who’ve come here to help rebuild Haiti after the recent run of natural disasters."
The more you know…
"This is far from a ‘vigilante group’; leading the team is ex-Department of Homeland Security special agent Tim Ballard, perhaps America’s foremost human trafficking expert. "The problem in Haiti is an international crisis,” Ballard explains. “With so many children displaced or orphaned during the recent earthquake and hurricane, recruiters moved quickly to sweep these children up. And the worst part of it all is that in many cases the clients are the foreigners who’ve come here to help, the NGO workers and the so-called humanitarians.”

POTUS I sure hope that whatever is happening with you on the side now is a way to get more of these evil bastards. I can't deal with thinking about children being hurt out there.

Plus that SICKnick that the media is all over today. Will they show the same respect and honor for those 2 FBI agents that got killed going after these type of sick bastards or will they just be swept to the side now? Only honor and respect for law enforcement when it suits their narrative. USING PEOPLE, like Dems standing in front of a camera with military for a photo op.

Q Post 186:
You are learning.
You needed a push.

Q Post 981:
I am terrified to go to bed but I have to, I have work tomorrow… What if I wake up and everyone has moved to a new board, how will I know? I've been on this train since CBTS. I can't lose communication now!
You are safe.
THEY are terrified.
Sleep well, Patriot.
You elected us to keep you safe.
We will not fail.
/GA/ will change.
Notification will be made.
Where we go one, we go all.

Q Post 916:
What about Awan.
Is Israel involved?
We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.
