
4 years ago

From Frogman5326:

Listen carefully. The impeachment trial never started while Trump was in office. Now that he’s out of office and the trial still hasn’t started in the Senate as of yet, then that means Trump is in the clear as it would be unconstitutional/unlawful to charge him with inciting an insurrection. He’s out of office now, so they can’t touch him. They should’ve started the trial earlier. But [they] didn’t. Why? These people are stupid. It’s all optics. [They’re] just delaying the inevitable. On top of that, there’s no concrete evidence of said insurrection. However, we’ve heard that a few libtards have gotten erections over this ordeal. [They] said so on Live TV around 5-6 times now. This is all a farce. Fugazzi. Fake. It’s just a publicity stunt so liberals can bitch & complain of how the orange man says mean things on Twitter. Talk about “triggered”.