
Goodnight everyone! Tired and headed to sleep!
Please continue to pray for our President Trump and his family, for our military and their families, for brave Patriots like Mike Lindell that he and his family be surrounded by defending angels, for Patriots all over the Earth who are holding the line and praying for freedom and for each other as we get down to some of the grittiest parts of the fight. We laugh at the sheep sometimes, but we need to be ready to help those who wake up last. They are going to be in severe mental pain and anguish for defending what they will be shown. God woke some of us up early to be able to help our weaker brothers and sisters who have long been brainwashed and indoctrinated. This is our mission from the Lord- learn compassion and unconditional love. Learn forgiveness and humility.
I hope you all sleep well. Youโ€™re all in my prayers every night. I love you!
p.s. the verse below struck me and I had to share it. I remember Q talked quite a bit about a Flood. We Anons took it to be a flood of information, but WHAT IF God means to flood the entire Capitol from the Potomac and make it a wasteland, uninhabitable?
