TARA MAGA shared a post  
6 years ago


Question? I saw a magazine cover with JFK JR that said
"Gone Too Soon" the Gematria for soon = 63 the reverse ordinal of 63 = 45 and the reverse full reduction of 63 = 18 Is it a stretch to infer that 18 is JFK JR and 45 is the 45th president Trump?
So JFK JR went to become R and to work with Trump? Am I on crack or does this read this way to anyone else out there?

6 years ago

Question? I saw a magazine cover with JFK JR that said
"Gone Too Soon" the Gematria for soon = 63 the reverse ordinal of 63 = 45 and the reverse full reduction of 63 = 18 Is it a stretch to infer that 18 is JFK JR and 45 is the 45th president Trump?
So JFK JR went to become R and to work with Trump? Am I on crack or does this read this way to anyone else out there?