
Pompeo tweeted at 9:46 that it was Ronald Reagan's birthday today. Already posted the Q's that go with that timestamp and the Q's on 2/6 in 2020, none in 2019, but 2018! The first Q on that day:

Q Post 664:
Would POTUS make a serious accusation if the TRUTH wasn’t about to come to LIGHT?
Black Forest.
FIRE sale days after post?
What went on there?
You have more than you know.
With this picture.

So the Q post number, 64 in it and Dopey. Well my complete birthday is 7/11/64.

Q Post 711:
Thank you Dopey.
King to pawn.
Eyes on.

This was in my last post because of the cap words in the Q post there:
TRUST NO MORE PAIN=935 1308 218
Guilty As Charged=935
Julie TA=935 (Got my attention. TA?)

ta definition: 1. thank you 2. Territorial Army 3. teaching assistant.

Let me finish that Gematria now.
One Seven=935 (17)
Straight A Student=935 (Well my teacher has been POTUS/Q.)
You Meant It=935 (POTUS TRUTH LIGHT)
Matrix Certification=935
Rodriguez=935 738

In my post yesterday at 22:35:53 I posted Q 1727 that had Rodriguez in it with this after that:
Well when I was going over Don Jr's tweet with Conspiracy defined in it, saw this but didn't post it:
Conspiracy=736 738 123

Plus if birth dates matter, my hubby's is 7/27. Plus 738 is a 711.
Jose Rodriguez, who is the focus of the investigation.
Tucker reported about Bank of America and how they had 4 things they were looking at in money you spent and giving those people to the FBI. Well if my bank did that I would apply to 3 of the 4 because I was there in DC on the 6th, spent money there, had a hotel there and then also flew to TX afterwards. Oh, the 6 in that Reagan video I noted. UGH! Ya, I'm sure I'm on some list. They'd probably add the 4th as well because my hubby just bought some whips. Don't ask why. He's weird. He bought one at a market in TX and my daughter thought it was cool so he bought a couple more on line to give to the kids. WHY? UGH! Knock knock...FBI...go fuck yourselves. Let's see what happens.

Where We Go One We Go All=1308
John F Kennedy Junior=1308
Quantum Computer=1308
Jeffrey Edward Epstein=1308 (Edward my hubby's name. ED what have you done? Whips? Double meanings here. SICK!)
Magic Signs And Wonders=1308
Witness A Miracle Of God=1308 (A miracle will be is if they don't show up at my door.)
The Enemy Of The People=1308
You Can Trust In Me=1308 (Hope so POTUS. Call the FBI off me.)
Opening The Curtains=1308 (Shall I pull mine down so they can't see inside?)

POTUS TRUTH LIGHT=1132 1404 234
I Come To Your Defense=1132
Stay The Course=1132
Jackie Kennedy=1132 (mommy & daddy and the 6 in that Reagan video on the frig. I have a 2020 Reagan Calendar but not on the frig.)
Continual Brainwashing=1404
October Twenty Eight=1964 1404 (First Q post on 10/28 and that equals the year I was born 1964!)
When Will Suffering End=1404
The World In Shock June=1404 (June the SIXth month.)
You Get What You Need=1404

Well in my post at 23:11:55 which I've gone back to many times now:
Rolling Stones=1074 (Not getting what we want...OR what we need.)
Hope so POTUS. Sorry I still doubt often. PLUS, my page 6 of 6 so much there matches this Gematria at 19:30:32 yesterday and the 6's of course. This from a Q post there:
"the CIA is restricted in the collection of intelligence information directed against US citizens...

Thing is rules and laws don't stop them. THE PEOPLE need to be protected POTUS, especially the ones that felt CALLED to go to that rally on the 6th. We are being targeted now.

Yesterday I noted that at the 3:44 mark in that Reagan video was the mommy daddy and 6 on the frig. On my Page 2 of 6 yesterday at 19:16:29 and 2/6 Reagan's birthday, I posted Q 344. Plus that One Seven up there in the Gematria. I calculated long ago, because decoding led me to, that based on the average length of a pregnancy I was most likely conceived on 10/5 and I was going over those QAnon Baby pictures that had the date 10/5 on them and this in that post:

Perfect birthday, perfect name, even my maiden name equals 1122 in English Gematria, the day JFK was shot. Why am I so connected to all of this with the numbers? Does it matter that I was in the womb when JFK was shot?
From 10/5 to 11/22 is 1 month 7 days…17Q. From 11/22 to 7/11 is 232 days…322 Skull & Bones.

3/2/20 is when I went to the NC rally also.
