
NEW - ビッグ・テックは、言論の自由や集会の自由など、私たちの最も基本的な自由の多くを民営化しました。もし政府がこれらの独占を抑制できなければ、暗い未来が待っています。

NEW - Big Tech has privatized many of our most fundamental freedoms, including freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. A dark future awaits if the government fails to rein in these monopolies.


@disclosetv @disclosetv_chat

Reining in the Techno-Oligarchy | Opinion

Reining in the Techno-Oligarchy | Opinion

Through a combination of surveillance, speech policing and economic censorship, private companies are undermining the virtues of a free and open internet and relegating many Americans to second-class