Mr. Van der Veen is absolutely right. We, the American people NEED the TRUTH in this country. the WHOLE truth and if media news sources can't tell us the truth, they should get off the airwaves or at the very least, stop calling themselves 'news'. What we're fed is biased commentary, depending on which side reporters are on. We don't need to be told what to think nor to have our thoughts 'shaped' to a narrative that pushes one side. We need the all truthful facts and then WE get to decide for ourselves what conclusions WE make.
..And most people when given ALL the facts, ALL the truth, will then make a good, sound decision and one that's right 'for them' and by 'right' it does not mean the 'same'. Decisions and choices can be both right and different, because we are all individuals. But the media and social media and those behind these are stuck on a notion that we all must conform to one way of thinking.. 'their' way and they do so because they have an agenda and the agenda is NOT in the peoples' best interests.
It's not just with politics, either. We aren't told the truth about anything. We're just fed the bits and pieces that favor a particular narrative and not even the truth but telling lies. Then when we turn to alternative sources for information and truth we are NOT getting from the media, where we SHOULD be getting our truthful, unbiased information and because it doesn't fit the narrative being pushed, it's then labeled as mis or disinformation. Then to add insult to injury, social media platforms get to insult us, berate us, ban us, deplatform us, punish us for finding information that the media refuses to tell us, while these platforms harvest and sell our data to the highest bidders, making them billions (surveillance capitalism).
So, when it comes to the so-called problem of disinformation, who's fault is it? If the media did its job and reported ALL the facts, ALL the truth, we wouldn't need to go in search of it. We haven't been told by the media the truth about covid, the pandemic, the vaccines and now the covid vaccine, politics, and certainly not about our 2020 election. Some people can be fooled through brainwashing but not all. Because those of us who refuse to be brainwashed by lies and propaganda that feeds a narrative to push an agenda not in the peoples' favor, we get demonized. But the number of awakened are no longer in the minority but we're in the majority and this number is growing daily of people who KNOW we're being fed lies and if any truth, it's bent and twisted to meet the narrative.
The bottomline is, until there is truth, the WHOLE truth, out there, there can be NO unity; there can be NO healing and anyone or any entity such as the media that continues to lie and twist the facts is an ENEMY of the people, of America.