3 Jahre - übersetzen


All I have to say is people had better wake up and get ready for https://cdn.discordapp.com/att....achments/80634146273
If people can not by now see the Bolshevik revolution in progress they never will...
The whole Texas power thing is BULLSHIT...
The weather is BULLSHIT...
Climate change is BULLSHIT...
Why does Gill Bates own the largest amount of private farm land in the US?
Does Gill Bates have holdings in a major synthetic meat process company???
Why is Gill Bates pushing synthetic meat???
Are they destroying our food???
Are they killing the cattle we eat???
Are they making EVERYONE fully dependent in the government/globalists???
Another great point, if you can not hold it in your hand, you do not own it...
Why have they outlawed many things that should be free? Rain water collection, restrictions on home solar power, taking away people’s ability/access to buy heirloom seeds???
Wake Up Sheeple 🐑💨😷 generation...
Atmospheric aerosol injection, weather manipulation, DEW started fires and area purging, crop destruction, cattle/livestock being killed off, 1A attacked, 2A under attack, time is short...
