
3 years ago

*Humanevents.com* reports: South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson joined a coalition of 18 state attorneys general to urge Biden to reverse the cancellation, according to ABC 4 News.

“We’re working hard to fight human trafficking and sex crimes in South Carolina and allowing convicted sex offenders who are here illegally to remain in our country makes absolutely no sense,” Wilson said. “These trafficking and sex crimes are repugnant to human decency generally and to children specifically,” he added....

The letter begs perhaps the most important question: “If the United States will not remove even convicted sex offenders, whom will it remove?”

In addition to South Carolina, the state attorneys general that signed on to the letter include: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South

Dakota, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia.


Biden Cancels Trump Program That Targeted Child Sex Traffickers in the US Illegally - News Punch

Biden Cancels Trump Program That Targeted Child Sex Traffickers in the US Illegally - News Punch

President Joe Biden has terminated a Trump program that targeted sexual offenders, including child sex traffickers, who are in the United States illegally.